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:: DISC Certification 23-24Maret 2010

Nama: asrinovita
Email: fokusdayainsani@gmail.com,asri@fokusdayainsani.com
Judul Iklan: DISC Certification 23-24Maret 2010
A-Two day Practical Training
For Human Resources Professionals, Trainers, Coaches, and Consultants
Includes over $1,500 in DiSC Training Materials
Pusdiklat Bulog Lt 5, Jakarta
23-24 Maret 2010

What is DiSC?
DiSC is a model of human behavior that helps people understand "why they do what they do." The dimensions of Dominance, influencing, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness make up the model and interact with other factors to describe human behavior. Originally created by Dr. William Marston at Columbia University. The DiSC model and its various assessment tools have helped over 35 million people in 20+ languages over the last 40 years.

Why do HR Proffesionals Use DiSC?
Our clients use the DiSC assessment in their training and coaching efforts as a performance improvement strategy. The most important benefit of the DiSC model is creating "people smarts" - helping individuals understand themselves and others better. With this as the foundation, clients then utilize the model to achieve the following outcomes: Improve collaboration and reduce conflict Build results-producing teams Develop effective coaches and managers Increase sales and service success

The DiSC Certification
We recommend HR Professionals, trainers, counselor participate in a DiSC certification program to experience in-depth training that will enable them to be confident and competent when using DiSC materials in a recruitment and placement, DiSC training, coaching, or consulting setting.
Many DiSC trainers, coaches, and consultants also appreciate learning about all of the NEWEST DiSC assessments and DiSC facilitator materials that released over the last few years. For instance, over 40 assessments are now available in E-DISC, including the DiSC Generated Report 2.09, DiSC Group Culture Report, Job Fit Assessment with DiSC, Competency Assessment based DiSC Concept and more!

What is the DiSC Certification?
This two-day DiSC Certification process empowers HR Professionals, DiSC trainers and consultants to:
• Learn the DiSC model
• Deliver DiSC workshops to their employees/clients
• Utilize the model and tools to meet their personal and organizational objectives
• You will experience proven DiSC exercises that you can incorporate into your own DiSC sessions
• This DiSC Certification provides two days for you to consult with experts on how to use DiSC for your specific purposes
• Our DiSC trainers will help you decide which DiSC materials are most appropriate to help you achieve your goals
• Our DiSC Certification includes over $1,500 in the newest and most powerful DiSC materials
• We will help you utilize your new Everything DiSC Facilitation System to its fullest
• You will gain in-depth knowledge of DiSC throughout the entire 2-day process to ensure you are prepared to successfully incorporate DiSC into your business. No sales pitches; instead, you'll get solid training so that you are highly skilled in delivering DiSC training yourself!
DiSC Certification Pricing & Important Dates
Your Price: IDR. 3.500.000 for one person or IDR 3.000.000 per person for one company with minimum 4 delegations.

Call Ms. Asri
Tel. (021) 26154644, 085216486724
Email: fokusdayainsani@yahoo.com, fokusdayainsani@gmail.com,asri@fokudayainsani.com
Website/Blog: www. fokusdayainsani.com
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